What can Invisalign fix?

Invisalign is a form of orthodontics that can straighten and adjust teeth, as well as fix bite misalignment issues. Unlike traditional orthodontic treatment, Invisalign uses clear aligners that are less noticeable than metal “train-track” braces. The process is simple, less invasive and can be more cost effective.

Before beginning treatment, a scan will be taken of the teeth so that the clear aligners can be made to suit the patient’s teeth and correspond to when they are predicted to move each week. Small buttons are attached to a few of the teeth to ensure the aligners grip properly. The buttons are placed from the beginning of the Invisalign treatment and are tooth coloured to be less noticeable, like the aligners.

Generally, one set of aligners are worn for 2 weeks before moving to the next set. In order for the teeth to be adjusted and for the treatment to work, it is crucial that these aligners are worn for at least 20-22 hours per day. If you think Invisalign might be the right option for you please contact our team at Pimpama City Dental Centre to organise a consultation.
